Investment services

The process

Paramount Consulting Services has established a process which places emphasis on understanding clients, identification of opportunities and implementation of strategy

We begin our relationship with clients by developing an understanding of their position and current interests, and develop a strategy for cultivating capital growth. Through communication with dedicated advisors, clients explore different investment directions based upon portfolio holdings and securities, and construct a long-term plan.

Upon completion of strategy formulation, our teams use our market research and analysis to identify investments which suit client interests and offer high potential. This involves evaluating the value of the option in relation to market conditions, trends and inherent worth. It is important at this stage to identify opportunities which will enhance and diversify existing portfolios to increase its resilience to fluctuations and overall profitability.

Having identified an investment option as viable for a client, we then move on the chosen vehicle by facilitating communication and acquisition. Upon completion, we review and monitor investment performance and constantly apprise clients of its performance and future direction

Investment Research

In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, markets are moving faster than ever, financial opportunities are rapidly emerging and being taken advantage of by firms and individuals, and the management of investments is becomingly progressively complex.

Paramount Consulting Services understands that in today’s fast paced society, many do not have the time, resources or industry experience to sufficiently research, analyze and identify potential investments. This is where we can help, by leveraging our network of professionals and industry assets to give clients the information they need to make the right decisions.

By understanding your financial position and interests, we create an investment strategy, incorporating risk tolerance, objectives and existing interests, which then forms the basis of our investment identification criteria going forward. This enables us to target and research options which suit your position, offer significant potential growth and bolster your existing portfolio.


Discretionary Investment Management

Paramount Consulting Services also offers discretionary management of your portfolio based upon established strategy, understanding of interests and existing holdings. Once comfortable with your dedicated portfolio manager, many clients defer decisions to them, affording them more time to spend with their families or pursue other commitments.

Paramount Consulting Services’s independence from any other financial institution allows clients to have complete trust in our portfolio managers. Our objective pursuit of your interests and unbiased guidance enables us to act solely for client benefit. Throughout our managers’ discretionary management of your portfolio, we also remain in contact with you and apprise you of decisions, developments and performance.